l Ooredoo 3G 10:40 PM Done Assign-2-0a716720234114d13f CHAPTER 5 Foundations of Planning 169 CASE APPLICATION #3 Shifting Direction s the global leader in satellte navigation equipDespite these new market shifts, customers have gotter ment, Garmin Ltd. recently hit a milestone number used to the GPS devices and they have become an essential part has sold more than 100 million of its products of their lives. That's why Garmin's executive team still believes to customers from motorists to runners to geocachers and there's a market for dedicated navigation systems. It's trying more-who depend on the company's equipment to help "show to breathe some life into the product with new features, better them the way." Despite this milestone, the company's designs, and more value for the Garmin's Change in Direction some of the new features include faster searching for addresses or core business is in decdine Garmin's Change in Direction consumer's money. For instane core business is in decline due to changing circum- tances5 In response, managers at Garmin, the biggest maker points of interest, voice activated navigation, and highlighting of personal navigation devices, are shifting direction. Many exit services sach as gas stations and restaurants of you probably have a dashboard-mounted navigation device in your car and chances are it might be a Garmin. However, a number combine smartpbone docking stations with navigation systems 5-3 Sales of Garmin devices have declined as consumers increas- ingly use their smartphones for directions and maps. However, have you ever tried to use your smartphone navigation system while holding a phone to look at its display? It's dangerous to 5 hold a phone and steer. Also, GPS apps can "crash" if multiple apps are running. That's why the Olathe, Kansas-based com- pany is taking action to "aggressively partner" with automak- 5-38 What contingency factors might affect the planning Garmin ers to embed its GPS systems in car dashboards. Right now, its biggest in-dash contract is with Chrysler and its Uconnect dashboard system found in several models of Jeep, Dodge, 5-39 What planning challenges do you think Garmin executives face and Chrysler vehicles. Garmin also is working with Honda and Toyota for dashboard systems in the Asian mariket. Discussion Questions of cars now have "dashboard command centers which ortant executives have to do? How might those contingency factors affect the planning? with continuing to be the global market leader? How should they cope with those challinges?