Write a C program that uses the following statements to calculate x raised to the y power. The pr...

Write a C program that uses the following statements to calculate x raised to the y power. The program should have a while iteration control statement.

a) Input unsigned integer variable x with scanf. Use the conversion specifier %u.

b) Input unsigned integer variable y with scanf_s. Use the conversion specifier %u.
c) Set unsigned integer variable i to 1.
d) Set unsigned integer variable power to 1.
e) Multiply unsigned integer variable power by x and assign the result to power.
f) Increment variable i by 1.
g) Test i to see if it’s less than or equal to y in the condition of a while statement.
h) Output unsigned integer variable power with printf. Use the conversion specifier %u.

then :-

• A dataflow diagram for every function defined in the application using any diagramming/graphics software such as Microsoft Visio.
• Screenshots of two execution sessions processing valid input data types.
• Screenshots of two execution sessions processing invalid input data types.

COMPUTER SCIENCE 1 Answer Jack Roger