Java laungage: Create class Employee. · Use static variable annualTaxRate to store ...
Create a class Employee.
- Use static variable annual tax rate to store the annual tax rate for all employees. Also use another static variable inflationRate [0-1].
- Use inline initialization for inflation rate = 0.3, whereas the annual tax rate is initialized using the following rule in a static init block.
- If inflationRate is higher than 0.5, then annualTaxRate is 5%, else annualTaxRate is 10%.
- Each object of the Employee class contains private instance variables name and salary indicating the employee name and monthly salary of the employee.
- Provide constructor(s) and getter/setter methods. The constructor and getter/setter methods should use shadowing parameters names. (hint: use ‘this’ )
- Provide method computeAnnualTax to calculate the monthly interest by multiplying the Annual salary by annual tax rate divided by 100 – this tax should be returned from computeAnnualTax.
- Write class EmpTest for testing the Employee class
- Create an employee object emp1 by calling constructors with appropriate values (salary = 20000).
- Create another employee object emp2 having default salary (say 30000)
- Input salary from the user and update the salary of emp2 to the new salary (say 50000).
- Compute Annual tax for both the employees and display them in the test class.
in progress
Programming in Java
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Areeb Abbas
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