Based on the following output tables, write all the panel data regression models...
                                                              Regression Output                                      |
Model |
Unstandardized Coefficients |
Standardized Coefficients |
t |
Sig. |
B |
Std. Error |
Beta |
(Constant) |
.085 |
       .089 |
    .954 |
.341 |
Environment |
       .354 |
.041 |
.342 |
8.613 |
.000 |
Brand Diversity |
-.024 |
.049 |
-.020 |
-.481 |
.631 |
Entertainment |
.401 |
.044 |
         .368 |
9.079 |
.000 |
Location |
       .291 |
.043 |
.272 |
6.832 |
.000 |
Dependent Variable: Consumer Loyalty |
- Based on the following output tables, write all the panel data regression models. Which is a better model, FEM or REM? Justify your answer. Â Â Â Â Â (200 words)
Theory of probability
2 Answer
Muhammad Sadaqat Janjua
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