Atty Ulah is a volunteer in the National Labor Desk of the country. She does it out of commitment...

Atty Ulah is a volunteer in the National Labor Desk of the country. She does it out of commitment to help those who can not afford legal assistance. She comes to the office every 4:00 pm and stays there for 2 hrs daily. She has won so many labor cases and all of them are pro bono ( free ). Later on, the National Labor Desk made her stint in the office officially. That is, Atty Ulah has been employed as a part lawyer to attend to the labor cases. However, while she is now getting paid for her services, she does not feel the same as when she was just a volunteer.


  1. How would you explain what Atty Ulah is experiencing? ( 5 pts)
  1. What motivation theory can explain how she is experiencing? ( 5 pts)

Supply Chain Management/Operations Management 1 Answer Kavya.M. Naik