Assume you have two analog-to-digital converters.
Assume you have two analog-to-digital converters with the following characteristics:
ADC1: 8 bit, nominal input range 0→5 volts,
ADC2: 12 bit, nominal input range 0→10 volts
- What is the resolution of each of these ADCs (smallest step in voltage that you can measure, i.e. step size)
- If ADC1 created a binary code (1110 0010)2, what is the range of input voltages that could have produced this code?
- If ADC2 created a binary code (0000 1110 0010)2 what is the range of input voltages could have produced this code?
- Find the codes produced by the two ADCs when the input voltages are:
(i) 3.5V (ii) 2.35 V (iii) 6.35 V
Control System
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